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原文有圖:10 Reasons Microsoft Should/Shouldn't Buy Yahoo
試翻譯如下, 有錯懇請更正..


1. Only way to get within spitting distance of Google's lead in search
- 微軟唯一一個能縮小和Google在搜尋領域的差距的方法.

2. Much more exciting than buying $50 billion in U.S. savings bonds
- 這比買500億美國公債更刺激.

3. Possibility that Microsoft could once again be seen as a cool place to work
- 微軟有可能再次成為工作的好地方.

4. Will give Microsoft time for Ray Ozzie's Web strategy to work
- 再給微軟多一點時間證明Ray Ozzie的網路策略是可行的.

5. Steve Ballmer is a better boss than Terry Semel
- Steve Ballmer當老闆比Terry Semel好多了.

6. Time for Jerry Yang and David Filo to stop pretending to sumo wrestle and go fishing.
- Jerry & Filo不用再彩衣娛親, 可以享福去了.

7. Microsoft can turn all of Washington state into one big server farm; Yahoo can't do that for California
- 微軟可以把華盛頓變成一個大的伺服器中心, 雅虎在加州卻不行.

8. Microsoft can change its name to "Microsoft!"
- 微軟可以在商標後面加個"!"

9. All the Yahooligans can finally cash out and act like grownups
- 小雅虎們終於可以拿股票換點錢, 並且表現的像個大人了.

10. For an extra $5 billion, Microsoft can buy the Wall Street Journal and get a favorable story about the merger on Page 1 next to the article about Google actually being run by aliens
- 再多花個五十億, 微軟可以買下華爾街週刊, 並在頭版那篇寫著"Google其實是外星人開的"文章旁, 刊一篇合併順利成功的消息.


1. Microsoft's acquisitions always get consumed and disappear into the Redmond maw
- 微軟購併的公司總是被吃乾抹淨後, 消失在Remond總部的深淵裡.

2. Microsoft would rename Yahoo as Microsoft Search Engine 1.0
- 微軟會把雅虎改名叫做微軟搜尋引擎1.0

3. Microsoft would be better off spending its $50 billion on the next generation of technology instead of something two generations behind
- 微軟最好是把500億花在下一代的技術上, 而不是買一個已經落後兩代的公司.

4. Sunny Sunnyvale and rainy Redmond will never mix
- 陽光普照的Suunyvale永遠不會跟陰雨濛濛的Redmond融合.

5. Big technology acquisitions never work
- 大型技術的合併絕對不會成功.

6. Ballmer won't be able to resist telling the Yahooligans how to do their jobs
- Ballmer沒辦法忍受跟小雅虎們說怎樣把事情做好.

7. Microsoft execs will be angry when they realize it was Google and not Yahoo that bought YouTube
- 當微軟的高級主管發現, 買下Youtube的其實是Google而不是雅虎時會很抓狂.

8. Microsoft execs will be angry when they find the Yahoo infrastructure running on open source outperforms Microsoft operations running on Windows
- 當微軟的高級主管發現, 雅虎的程式在開放平台上, 跑的比微軟在Windows上的還快, 也會抓狂.

9. Bill Gates will insist that Yahoo be made to work only on Internet Explorer
- Bill Gates 會堅持要雅虎只能在IE上運行

10. Yahoos will be reduced to boohoos as Ray Ozzie presents a million-slide PowerPoint presentation on the excitement of Microsoft Live!
- 當Ray Ozzie在講演數以百萬計的Power point來介紹Microsoft Live各種新奇功能,雅虎員工卻只能在台下嚎啕大哭.

假設都看的懂爆點好了....XDDDD 有點懶得寫爆點在哪.


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